THIS WEEK: Provocative TV Production for Submarine Aficianados

With a global strike-and-return range to anywhere in the world, these submarine aircraft carriers would provide Japan the means to terrorize American cities (including New York and Washington D.C.) as well as to destroy the Panama Canal to sap America's will to wage an all-out war on Japan. Only three (I-400, I-401 and I-402) were completed, and before any attacked the U.S. the war was ended by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
A sampling of innovative design details (Who says the Japanese are uncreative copycats? That is pure nonsense!):
- Utilized a special radar anechoic coating
- Carried three bombers with 40-foot wingspans, a range of 650 miles and a 1,764 lb bomb.
- Japan considered using I-400 aircraft to conduct biological attacks on U.S. cities
Secrets of the Dead: Japanese SuperSub was produced by Windfall Films and Spy Pond Productions for THIRTEEN in association with National Geographic Channel and WNET.ORG. Check your local PBS listings for Wednesday May 5th.
YouTube preview [1:51]
Labels: 1-400 Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN) Soviets C-2 Deep Six Sasebo
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