Friday, September 23, 2011

Big Question this Week 23 SEPT 2011

(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
transitive verb
2 a: CONFUSE <obfuscate the reader>


Dec 20, 1999 - An experiment to send neutrinos from the CERN particle physics lab in Geneva to the Gran Sasso underground in central Italy, 730 km away, was approved last week

May 31, 2010 - Oscillation Project with Emulsion-tRacking Apparatus (OPERA) Researchers announce first observation of a first tau neutrino candidate event in a muon neutrino beam.[1]

February 17, 2011 - Deputy Secretary of Defense Bill Lynn, along with the head of the USAF Space Command, Gen. William L. Shelton, expressed concerns about potential GPS interference from the LightSquared network.[25]

September 15, 2011 - Gen. William Shelton said the White House tried to pressure him to change his testimony to make it more favorable to a company tied to a large Democratic donor.
A new wireless project by a satellite broadband company in Virginia called LightSquared, whose majority owner is an investment fund run by Democratic donor Philip Falcone.

September 16, 2011 - LightSquared Scandal Explodes LightSquared is owned by the Harbinger Capital hedge fund, headed by billionaire investor Phil Falcone. He visited the White House and made large donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap.

September 22, 2011 - Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at Cern subatomic particles seem to have beaten the speed of light. If experiments can be replicated independently, results be inconsistent with Albert Einstein’s theory of special relativity.

September 23, 2011 - CERN PRESS RELEASE Given the potential far-reaching consequences of such a result, independent measurements are needed before the effect can either be refuted or firmly established.


Given that:
OPERA has measured over 15,000 neutrino events in 16 months; and
OPERA has reported higher discrepancies in light velocities (e.g. See errata CERN 98-02: 7% for 1 atm of Helium instead of vacuum) in the past; and
OPERA has known for a long time that its velocity measurement is suspect (20 parts per million above the speed of light).

Is such sensational, tentative science ( CERN scientists claim to break speed of light ) making news now due to political (HINT) >>>>>>Obfuscation <<<<<<, or mere coincidence?

The answer will be abundantly obvious in coming months, and NO, the speed of light for neutrinos will not have broken the speed of light.

Submarines are always silent and strange.



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