Wednesday, January 25, 2006

India's Growing Pains: Watch This

India, which has few domestic sources of fuel, also plans to build a 1,750-mile gas pipeline from Iran through Pakistan, a project that has raised concerns in Washington.


U.S. Ambassador David Mulford said that if India does not vote to refer Tehran to the U.N. Security Council, it would be "devastating" to the landmark nuclear deal between India and the United States currently before the U.S. Congress.

The deal? It was signed when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visited Washington last July and provides sharing civilian nuclear technology and supplying nuclear fuel to India in exchange for New Delhi allowing international inspections of military and civilian nuclear facilities. The United States has agreed only to recognize India's civilian nuclear program - not the legitimacy of the nuclear weapons state.

Stay tuned to the news for major developments in the coming weeks.


At 25 January, 2006 13:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mullahs are not fools they know they got OIL and GAS .. this is going to get bad

At 25 January, 2006 22:40, Blogger Lubber's Line said...

The last Nuclear weapon used was to end a war. If the Iranian Mullahs get their way the next one will start one and leave the Middle East a bigger waistland than it currently is.

It's a slippery road covered with oil for anyone willing to play the Mullahs game.

At 26 January, 2006 01:11, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LL, madmen in charge ther, for certain. Have you seen this (H/T EagleSpeak) EMP:The Biggest Threat ?


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