Old Christine a Satirical Political Preview?

In The New Adventures of Old Christine (the following parenthetical comments added by M.E. apply to Hillary) Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a 35-year-old divorced mom (a 58-year old virtual-marriage mom) who runs a female-only gym (surrounds herself with lonely lawyers, many of whom are female), tries to keep pace with everyone around her (tries to keep pace with Senators). That includes the judgmental stay-at-home moms at her son's private school (daughter, Chelsea, attended private school) and her ex-husband (Bill, of The West Wing). Old Christine's brother lives with her (no match for Hugh, yet).
CBS says this about the pilot: On the first day at her son's new school, Christine is mortified to discover that her ex-husband, Richard, with whom she gets along even better than when they were married, is dating a young, nice, impossible-to-hate woman also named Christine… the "new" Christine.
I can hardly wait to see whom Bill dates. The parallels here could be as entertaining as the script, or not. Best of luck to both old Christine and old Hillary.
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