Iran's Al-Sabehat Submarine Revisited

Jane's calls the Al Sabehat a swimmer delivery vehicle, ideal for covert, special-forces operations that could well be a prototype for larger mini-submarines of the future.
The BBC NEWS reported (upper image) that the sub can accommodate a two-man crew and up to three divers. What are the chances of technician-divers? How about peaceful atomic bomb technician-divers?
The XRAYDAR (lower image) shows what appears to be a Little Boy (as in, Hiroshima) type atomic bomb. That would be a 15 kilton atomic mine. I will sleep well tonight, because Tehran promises only peaceful uses for its atomic programs. How about you?
That little boy is FAKE, photoshoped image. Don't worry, no Arab country for last 300 years attacked US or Europe, only attack ISRAEL because there is their land!
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