Rock-Paper-Scissors = U.S. Strategy
Paper appears to have been invented by a later civilization about 3500 BC (Egypt). Scissors, at least the cross-cutting kind, are representative of high tech weaponry, and were invented by Romans about AD 100.
What represents the modern equivalents of rock, paper and scissors? Try this for rock: metals (including heavy isotopes). For paper: think national currencies and a combination of diplomatic and media propaganda. Finally, for scissors: try any weapon system not carried to a target selected, positioned and fired upon by one person on foot.
I hear some of your protests already. What about atomic warheads, our unmanned aerial surveillance systems, missiles, and sophisticated net-centric command and control systems?
Unfortunately, these expensive, techologically advanced military toys may share a common flaw like scissors, which are easily broken by just a rock. There are vintage backup systems, of course, but how current are the related maintenance and training?
The military's most expensive communications, GPS, surveillance and X (unknown function) satellites, however hardened, are still susceptible to being rendered useless (thrown out of useful orbits, damaged or destroyed) by rocks like this.
The U.S. and all its allies cannot field an army in 25 years as large as China alone can field today.
What would the U.S. do if/when China attempts to park an aircraft carrier and/or missile firing submarines in the only deep water port in Baja California, Ensenada?
It is already being done with dollars, EU currency and secret diplomatic arrangements that may not be shared publicly during your lifetime. China is now heavily dependent on the U.S. as a trading partner. Forget the familiar propaganda about China dumping the large share of U.S. debt that it has bought. Dumping means selling, of course. Who are the willing buyers? If the U.S. buys back debt at current rates, the size of the transaction itself would instantly lower dollar value in runaway episodes (too large to be done all at once, even in 5 years). In effect, China would be agreeing to be paid cents on the dollar (in addition to invalidating lucrative trade arrangements). China is enjoying its U.S. trading partnership and has no intention of upsetting its apple cart.
Mexico is no loose cannon, either. Currently, Mexico would deny the Chinese a port visit, just as the Kitty Hawk was denied permission recently by China. See, paper really works, and mutual defense treaties (more paper) take over and can lead to serious saber rattling when bluffs are called. We will maintain excellent relations with Mexico, protect Taiwan with the Cuban pawn, and contain jackals like Chavez (El Chacal) in the Americas.
In order to project an appropriate sized saber (scissor), the U.S. must maintain some secret weapons superiority. Our SUBMARINES, above all, uniquely fulfill this key goal as they employ elements of paper, scissors and rock. Practical offshoots of defense research are needed primarily to maintain a healthy domestic economy.
The familiar drive for one-world government is very, very premature for humanity. The constant and annoying prattle is strictly a means of indoctrinating (paper) more and more people to yield their sovereignty to the inevitable sooner, rather than later. The U.N. as currently constituted is a sham. The climate change prescriptions and proscriptions it seeks are a sham. Few Americans will be deceived very long.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
Updated to correct typos 8 Dec. 07
Interesting article. Thanks for the posting. :-)
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