Unravelling Submarine Controversy ... Interesting
Meantime, the author also wrote 'for relatives of Scorpion crew confused by conspiracy theories and fictional claims about what killed their loved ones' Review of the Evidence Sinking the Myths.
The intriguing photo shows at least two unexpected and difficult even for submariners to visualize results. Resting at 10,000 feet, the stern cone has been forced into the engine room compartment by horrific forces (the YouTube below will quickly aid your visualization). Easier to behold, but perhaps as surprising is the crush effect on the stern plane welding ribs. Hmmm! That can only mean -(submariners will immediately understand the principles and underlying design rationale.).
U.S.S. Scorpion breakup visualization YouTube...
Author Johnson introduces some enticing tidbits you can read for yourself. I was not disappointed. Although the quality of his writing and presentation of facts is excellent, I did not like Johnson's comparison to TWA 800 conspiracy theories, which is tangentially related at best.
Author Johnson introduces some enticing tidbits you can read for yourself. I was not disappointed. Although the quality of his writing and presentation of facts is excellent, I did not like Johnson's comparison to TWA 800 conspiracy theories, which is tangentially related at best.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
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