Sunday, December 07, 2008

Submarine Questions of the Week

Public policy organization, whose mission is providing reliable background information and developing news in the arenas of defense, space, intelligence, WMD, and homeland security, tells us:

It is said England's King James I rode in one of Van Drebbel's submarines to prove its safety. The British navy was not interested in the craft.
King James I's alleged submarine ride would have been back in the 17th century. This week's question (to be answered Tuesday) concerns a more recent king, not this foreign president. The king of interest this time was from a country without a navy, and embarked in a nuclear submarine. He certainly would not have been the last king, president or VIP to visit a submarine since, of course.

Questions of the week:

1- What was the submarine's name?

2- What was the name of this king with no navy?

3- The former king's country (it is no longer a kingdom, by the way) still does not have a navy. Why so?

Submarines are always silent and strange.



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