Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Black Eye and Robe

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's supporters swear loyalty to velayat-e faqih, his theory that Shi'ite scholars are best qualified to oversee government prescribed by the the Twelfth Imam. As Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei directs the violent brand of Islamic jurisprudence he has devised.
Ali Khamenei, criticized protesters as agents of foreign powers ahead of antigovernment demonstrations planned for tomorrow's , setting the stage for clashes that analysts say pose big risks for both sides. Iran's security forces have deployed throughout Tehran to head off what opposition supporters hope will be massive street protests tonight challenging the regime as it prepares to celebrate tomorrow's anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Iranian police say they have arrested a number of opposition supporters planning demonstrations during the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.
Yet, Ali Khammenei promises a punch in the mouth to arrogant Western powers. What does he have in mind that will not give him a black eye backlash? Very curious. His regime is in trouble and he pretends to lash out at foreignors on the eve of internal demonstrations.
The summary execution of certain prisoners held by Iran (alleged spies) might seem deceptively useful to a radical leader beset with extreme problems like Ahmadinejad's last election and rebellious unrest. How very, very stupid any such a move would prove for the Ayatollah, however.



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