Deeply Penetrating Alarms Most Have Not Yet Heard

Just Today - Jan 26, 2011 [To a great extent, the U.N. can be thanked for the formidable, legal delay described by the Admiral. What? You know very little about that organization?]
.Admiral calls for counterterror approach to piracy
.U.S. officials to date have said they see no evidence of direct ties between Somali-based pirates and al-Shabab terrorists, but Fox laid out the strongest description yet of possible links. (see chart above). ... So far, he said there has not been a broad agreement to commit the counterterrorism resources needed to do that.
The pirates' links to al-Shabab insurgents are also a worry. ...We have not used the same level of rigor and discipline in terms of following the money on the counter-piracy piece as we have the counterterror. We should be applying the same techniques. ... If we could reroll tape, we would say no ransoms paid, but that cow is out of the barn. - Vice Adm. Mark Fox, commander U.S. Navy Central Command Fleet.
Last Year - Oct 09, 2010 [Projections are the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) - You have not heard everything yet. Indonesia's GDP will increase by a factor of almost 5. Mexico's will more than triple, like Russia's. Germany and Japan pull up the rear (of leading 10) with a relatively paltry 3.3% rate of GDP growth. Since the U.S. share of world GDP will be half of today's (25%) --- Will our U.N. dues be cut at least in half, as well? ]
The 10 Largest Economies in 2030------------------------------------------
Yesteryear - Oct 08, 2008 [Keep in mind, the U.S. already pays around 25% of total dues to this corrupt organization of 192 member states.]
.United Nations Faces Billions in Retiree Health Care Obligations
According to internal documents examined by FOX News, the U.N. has roughly $2.4 billion in unpaid retirement health insurance obligations for its staff alone, as of the end of 2007. When the sprawling U.N. system of programs and organizations around the world is thrown in, the total could be more than $4.9 billion, as tallied in a March 2007 report. - FOX News
Submarines are always silent and strange.
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