Tuesday, November 25, 2014

ANSWERS to 25 NOV 14 Submarine Q.O.T.W.

Background information and links for questions are found at original posting here.

Was author Mike Robinson qualified to write about his luncheon with 10 Russian elite "boomer" submarine captains?  Check out the facts and decide for yourselves.

Submarine Questions of the Week with Answers:

1. In his article about lunch with 10 Russian boomer-class submarine captains, in what year did his Murmansk Navy luncheon take place?  ANS:  June 1995.

2. Why was Mike Robinson certain those COs were assigned to boomer subs?  In Robinson's own words: "I was told that I would be met by a young lieutenant in the Protocol Department, who would act as my translator and cultural guide. She was magnificently beautiful, about 25, flawlessly uniformed in a dark blue skirt and tunic, and she spoke perfect English with a slight Russian accent."  ANS: Translation error, at best; believing the translator without verifying.

3. What glaring clue, if any, might lead a qualified submariner to question Mr. Robinson's claim as to "boomer submarines"?  ANS:  The caption (see below) accompanying the photo of the submarine in his article (7th paragraph) reads, "The elite boomer submarines were based in Murmansk".  The submarine shown, however. is not a "boomer", by any definition.  

4. Might a glaring error concerning strategic missile subs published by Mr. Robinson lend doubt to the care he takes in his "thoughtful" (liberal) opinions about other strategic topics, such as his:  Climate deniers hard to digestANSWERWhat do you think?!

In exactly what, if anything, is Mr. Robinson an expert?  Has he exercised equally slipshod fact verification in his promotion of the Global Warming agenda?

Submarines are always silent and strange.

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