"HMS Calamity: First it ran aground, then it collided with a tug. Now Britain's £1.2bn flagship submarine breaks down on its first day back in service"
The troubled Royal Navy nuclear submarine that ran aground off Scotland has broken down on its first day back at sea. ...Last night experts identified a fault in the steam plant, which affected the propulsion and the desalination system that makes sea water drinkable for the vessel’s 90 crew.
11 December 2010 11:48 PM
UKPA "Stranded sub's sea trials breakdown"A nuclear-powered submarine which ran aground two months ago broke down on its first day back at sea, it has emerged. HMS Astute had to head back to its base in Faslane, Scotland, last week after what officials described as a "minor defect". It is hoped the vessel will be back in service this week.
October 22, 2010
M.E. HMS Astute's Third Fishy, Publicity-Attracting, Incident in 3 months .
CONJECTURE: Sea Trials are purposefully being drawn out by the British MoD until
HMS Astute can
collide with her future sister ship,
HMS Ambush when it is slated to begin trials next year.
RATIONALE: This could finally prove to all subjects that: another approach to procuring large and complex weapons systems may be more prudent than home-made construction, and; that perhaps local submarine traffic is too congested to even entertain launching new fleet.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
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