BZZZZZZT --- B.S. WARNING!!! Mine Neutralization

Why, are mines something new? No, not even to Iran.
Then why would the Navy have no silver bullets for a critical chokepoint of global trade and oil tankers, the Strait of Hormuz, shut down by the suspected, or real, presence of sea mines?
Pick the best answer:
a) DARPA has been asleep at its development wheel.
b) Navy considers mines obsolete, so countermeasures (silver bullets) would never be needed.
c) Brains at the Naval War College have not gamed such a scenario in modern times.
d) The public assertion is false because the Navy wishes Iran to remain foolishly overconfident in its military strategy.
e) None of the above. The question is entirely inapplicable. A much, much better question would be, "What readers are intended to believe such crap?
ANSWER: e) Proof: When, and if Iran ever tries to blockade the Strait of Hormuz.
For further study (public examples only):
1- Autonomous mine neutralization system (May 18, 2004)
2- Expendable Mine Neutralization System (2007)
3- Raytheon AN/ASQ-235 Airborne Mine Neutralization Systems (October 11, 2010)
4- NAVAL ROVS (May 01, 1997)
5- Raytheon Awarded $14 Million for Airborne Mine Neutralization System (Oct. 7, 2010)
Submarines are always silent and strange.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
Labels: BS Iran Venezuela mines countermeasures Strait of Hormuz
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