Monday, January 03, 2011

The STAR SHIP Seawolf (SSN-575)

It's often said that, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same.'
The SSN 575 boat's EY circuit was the only circuit of its kind (AN/ASH-19) installed on a nuclear submarine. The system survived 30 years.
Scientifically, certain female voices inject just the right element of urgency into their calm, controlled, clearly annunciated announcements to wake up any male in an instant.
Today, female voice alarms are in more widespread use on trains, planes and even in automobiles.
You can hear the actual submarine EY circuit voice warning alarms here.
You can hear find Majel Barret's computer voice on STAR TREK in prequels to Enterprise.
Plus, you can see and hear examples of Patricia Hoyt's cockpit warnings in this 1-minute video. She confesses being "Bitchin' Betty".
Submarines are always silent and strange.



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