ANSWERS for (17 MAR 16) Sub Questions of Week
Related information, photo(s) and links for questions are found in the original posting..
ANSWERS Submarine Questions of the Week
2 - In the photo of Ice Camp Sargo (here):
- (a) From what direction was the wind coming? ANS: Unknown, as we do not know exactly when the photo was taken. However, a subjective guess based upon March winds may help.
- (b) Which of the flags shown represent nations who have claimed portions of the extended continental shelf under UNCLOS? ANS: Canada and Norway.
- (c) Which flags represent nations who have not made such claims? ANS: U.S.A.
- (d) Is there an UNCLOS claimant not participating in ICEX 16? ANS: Russia
3 - Two U.S. subs are deployed for ICEX 16; which subs (names & hull numbers)? ANS: The Los Angeles-class submarines, USS Hartford (SSN 768) from Groton, and USS Hampton (SSN 767) from San Diego, are conducting maneuvers, data collection and training matters.
4 - Which of the following are not assigned ICEX 16 participants: Alaska Air National Guard assets, MIT students, Mobile Diving Salvage Unit 2, Norwegian personnel, SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team, Royal Navy personnel, Royal Canadian Navy and Air Force personnel, Russian contingents, the USCG? ANS: Russian contingents may be actively snooping, but not as ICEX participants.
5 - What seems strangely out of place in the © Edgar Su / Reuters ICEX-16 unrelated, U.S. submarine photo below (subjective answer)? ANS: M.E. has lightened the published photo to underscore issues raised below:

Submarines are always silent and strange.
Labels: Canada, E to SE, ENE, Groton, Ice Station Sargo, ICEX 16, MIT, NNE, Norway, QOTW, Russia, San Diego, UK, USCG, USS Hampton (SSN 767), USS Hartford (SSN 768)
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