Sunday, February 25, 2007

From Iran's Stressed Out Admiral

As the impact of escalating pressures placed on Iran begin to sink in, Rear Admiral Sajjad Kuchaki, commander of Iran's Navy, makes increasingly bizarre statements.

Noting the tragic deaths of two crewmen swept overboard in rough seas as the fast-attack submarine USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul left Plymouth harbor last December, Rear Admiral Sajjad Kuchaki remarked that the presence of submarine crew members on decks is strictly forbidden at time of departure.

What he failed to say (found here): Iran's navy has 23,600 young and inexperienced men, mostly riflemen and marines based on Persian Gulf islands. Resources and vessel upkeep are scarce. Due to such shortcomings, Iran's three Kilo-class submarines are very vulnerable, and limited to laying mines in undefended waters. Eight mini-submarines were purchased from North Korea in 1993 and fifteen semisubmersible gunboats for special operations were sent in late 2002.

Considering that Iran's submariners deploy in such vulnerable deathtraps, it is obvious why crews are not allowed topside during departures. How many Iranian submariners would defect overboard, if allowed to remain topside prior to departure?

Other Bizarre Comments by Admiral Sajjad Kuchaki

Originally published 9/25/2006 by Mardom Salari in Persian Commander of Navy: New Generation of Iranian-Made Submarines Will Be Launched in Persian Gulf

Regarding the sea overall naval defense strategy, the admiral stated: The strategy is based on the divine, defensive human who has succeeded in hard training, discipline, and conviction, and has characteristics such as combating the enemy.

And, with regard to the issue of electronic smart systems and radars: We have surpassed the enemy's limit of 26 gigahertz. The U.S. and its allies are limited to 26 gigahertz? Not according to this, for submarines, for instance.

Finally, the admiral said this Originally published 11/27/2006 by Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Radio 1 in Persian We have all the enemy units, the units of the occupying forces in the region, under close control.

The United States is not going to attack Iran overtly. It does not need to attack Iran to prevent nuclear weapons competence. Stressing Iran out militarily, diplomatically, politically, and economically is all the U.S. needs pursue. Iran's military, scientists and leadership will incur everyday accidents of their own making, reflecting their inexperience, incompetence and inability to endure stress and internal dissidents who may receive covert help. The effects of the cumulative stress seem copiously evident in Iran's leaders even now.



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