Update: Poached Puffins and My New Ringtone
Experts had expected to see a slight increase in the population on the Farne Islands, owned by the National Trust. ...' we had a number of good years for puffins,' explained David Steel, the Trust's head warden. 'But something is going badly wrong somewhere.'
Puffins migrate from Alaska eastward. The Trust islands are East of Iceland, which has recipes for preparing puffin meals (as do Alaskan and Canadian sub-arctic points in between).
For folks who would rather credit the cause of Puffin decline to more popular Global Warming, Molten Eagle proposes a NEW ring tone to symbolize depth of emotional concern.
The natural sound of nesting puffins is called a moan. It is the perfect ringtone (customizable incoming call sound for cell phones) for both knowing birdwatchers and Global Warming adherents. Turn up your sound and listen here to puffin moans from Bruce McMillan's Puffin Page.
Labels: ringtone global warming birdwatchers Ramsay U.K. Iceland
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