Congressional Lottery #1 - Is Your Representative Among the Four Lucky Winners?
Not a single member of our U.S. Congress stepped forward by 8 AM today to opt out of their privileged FEHBP health coverage plan. As promised a week ago, we have drawn the first four names of representatives selected by random lottery to submit voluntarily to legislation of their own making (H.R. 3200). If the representatives feel this puts them on the spot, good! We feel they have some explaining to do to those of whom they pretend to represent.

The winners of this week's lottery drawing are shown above. Here are their names and a few statistics:
1 Collin C Peterson MN-07, Lawyer - No; Veteran - No; Party - Dem
2 John Conyers Jr. MI-14, Lawyer - Yes; Veteran -Yes; Party - Dem
3 Shelley Berkley NV- 01, Lawyer - Yes; Veteran - No; Party - Dem
4 Gus M Bilirakis FL - 09, Lawyer - Yes; Veteran - No; Party - Rep
If one of the above is your representative, you may want to acquaint him/her with their random selection to opt out of FEHBP and ask them why he/she has not committed to actually representing their constituents by voluntarily subjecting themselves and their families to the terms of HR 3200.
Please feel free to share with the rest of us in the comments section below, if you receive an answer from your dedicated representative.
Every Tuesday, 4 more House members will be drawn in Rex's lottery and announced here until the total reaches 24. At that point, the list will be repeated with the addition of 2 senators a week until 30 members of Congress are listed in total. If Congress can involuntarily draft us by lottery for military service, and subject us to controversial healthcare, it is time to call their bluff about the proposed HR 3200 being as good as what the Congress has now. One of them actually said words to that effect in a televised townhall Rex listened to on UNC-TV.
Please feel free to apprise the rest of us, if you ever receive an answer from YOUR elected representative.
NOTE: A sample size of 30 for a Congress consisting of 535 members (435 in the House and 100 in the Senate) was selected as a statistically valid sample in the circumstances, and as a fun way to apply random heat absent satisfactory explanation of unwillingness to submit to what they propose for the rest of us.
Labels: Colin Peterson John Conyers Jr Shelley Berkley Gus Bilirakis
Connecticut Second District Congressman Democrat Joe Courtney does not take the Congressional plan and has not since elected. He has told his constituients that he will not take the Federal Health Care until Health Care for all is passed and signed into law.
wtfdnucsailor, Thank you for pointing out Joe Courtney. If one Congressman gets it, the others merely pretend they do not!
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