Thursday, January 27, 2011

Extraordinary Stamps Continued

Coverage of extraordinary Icelandic stamps began in 2008 with Submarine Illumination of Yesteryear and Today, featuring a very unusual, vintage submarine postcard from the UK (link).
Featured the time was a very extraordinary modern postage stamp released by the Iceland Post Office October 9, 2008 (diagram above).
Icelandic stamps have made it to’s top ten list before; last time they placed second for stamps printed with heat-activated ink and the year before that Iceland Post’s luminous stamp of the Imagine Peace Tower on Videy island placed third. source
The 3 volcanic stamps (diagram above) are extraordinary in a suitably exotic manner. Dedicated to the volcanic eruption in Eyjafjallajökull they were printed conventionally then silk-screened with trachyandesitic ash collected below Eyjafjöll mountain range April 17, 2010.
Volcanic ash from Eyjafjallajökull was carried all over Europe delaying air traffic for several days. The most significant eruption since the end of World War II, in its latter stages some 250 million cubic meters of ash were spewed.



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