Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Empty Nuclear Vessel Quietly Decommissioned - More Will Follow With Absolutely No Budgetary Constraints

From 2002 to 2006, the active and reserve service branches reported handling 425 applications for conscientious objector status, according to the most recent report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office. It reported that 53 percent were approved, 44 percent denied and the remainder pending or closed. In the case of former Ensign Michael Izbicki, his poor commitment to a Navy career upon acceptance to the USNA prevented a more seriously committed and perhaps mature applicant from graduating.

Remaining Questions
The USNA, part of a military branch with the most severe consequences for its officers' poor performance perpetuates a selection system encouraging uncommitted (to a 20-year or more naval career) males and females with biological clocks and hormonal interuptions to replace truly committed applicants because commitment is inadequately tested and guaged.

To the Navy's credit it conducted two investigations of Ensign Izbicki, the second after he was assigned to the Naval Submarine School in Groton, questioning the depth and duration of his beliefs and challenged his embarrassing decision to resign his commission. To Mr, Izbicki's credit, he seems steadfastly sincere in his professed religious convictions according to two Navy chaplains, three civilian-ordained clergy and two academic theologians.

1. A condition of his discharge is that Izbicki reimburse the Navy for his education, something he has promised all along. Why reward the Navy which was culpable in its pattern of poor USNA selections? Return reimbursed dollars with interest to the U.S. Treasury to benefit TAXPAYERS!
2. Izbicki said he has yet to be told how much that will be. When will the public be advised of the amount owed and how much interest is going to apply?
3. The ACLU regularly sues Christian institutions, often to their detriment. What can be the ALCU's rationale for defending Mr. Izbicki to the detriment of the DoD?

Current US NAVY recruiting slogan - America’s Navy: A Global Force for Good

ONE-UPMANSHIP = the art or practice of outdoing a competitor

Mr. Izbicki stated, "Id like to take what I learned in the navy and help make the world a better place, through peaceful means."

Submarines are silent and strange.



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