Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Real Question About Submarine Officer Suspect: Is he another Bilge Engineer?

UPDATE - 4/11/2011 - Yesterday's (UK) reported that the officers shot by Donovan had apparently been part of a panel that recently denied Donovan (a SONAR-type sound engineer) a place on a particular mission. Some speculated that Donovan may have felt discriminated against by the officers he shot. ............................................................................................................................................. The suspect certain in the homicide of a Royal Navy submarine officer is shooter Ryan Donovan. .............................................................................................................................................. Guilty or innocent (the possibility of guilt with mitigating insanity or diminished capacity). In British law, the M'Naughton rules have been a criteria for defendant mental competence in England and Wales, the U.S., Canada, etc. Donovan's case may test a defense of irresistable impulse, available under English law since 1960. .............................................................................................................................................. But, back to the overriding real question about Donovan's alleged crime: how did a musician (Reggie Moondogg) who wrote a series of violent rap lyrics ever been placed in the crew of a nuclear submarine crew in the first place? That question was raised yesterday by senior Member of Parliament and defense expert Mike Hancock. ............................................................................................................................................. The Russian's recently termed one of their enlisted seaman, responsible for several deaths, a bilge engineer. Do we have another example of a bilge engineer in Able Seaman Ryan Donovan? So far we have not learned what Donovan's actual submarine duties are called at sea ( it took years for the Russian press to report that their contract seaman Grobov was a bilge engineer, however). ............................................................................................................................................ Submarines are always silent and strange.



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