Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Submariner Quote and Questions of the Month

The Quotation ...

"I think, therefore I am. I think deeply, therefore I have a soul." ... citation link here by Joel B. KennedySubmarine Officer ยท April 19, 1983 to September 30, 2004- who served aboard USS Topeka (SSN-754)USS Connecticut (SSN-22), the USS Jimmy Carter (SSN-23), also rendered IA duty in zone, and was the creator of  what was formerly
"the world's most popular submarine blog".

And your Questions of the Week

- 1 -  What had been former blogger Bubblehead's most familiar blog-sign off phrase?
- 2 -  What open source feature of USS Topeka almost puts it in a class of its own?
- 3 -  What was the rationale for partial use of HY-100 in Topeka?
- 4 -  What open source feature of USS Connecticut  puts it in a very small class of its own?
- 5 -  What open source feature of USS Jimmy Carter  puts it in a class of its own?
- 6 -  Which of the above subs are homeported in Norfolk, Va?
- 7 -  Which of the above subs are homeported in Apra Hrabor? 
- 8 -  What has been the evident root of the quotation above, and where can it still be found?

ANSWERS:  Monday, 21 AUG 

Submarines are always silent and strange.

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