Why Slam Radical Islamists Right Now?
An interesting pattern emerged regarding a nation's resolve (at least initially) to preemptively combat the radical islamist menace.
Looking only at nonauthoritarian, first world countries we obtained statistics from the CIA's FACTBOOK (Sept 2005). With the conflicting exceptions only of the Netherlands and Canada there was a striking need not to join* the GWOT Coalition when a country's muslim population exceeded 3.5% of total. Dashes denote muslim populations too low to be specified as percentages. Factbook information indicates muslim populations are growing in several countries, including Italy.
Postscript: Population figures for the "Muslim World" are provided here. An estimated 1 - 2% of China's 1.3+ billion citizens are muslim (almost 20 million). Like other religious peoples, most muslims desire a peaceful existence. We cannot forget, however, that as muslim populations grow in relative terms they become politically assistive to radical Islamists by afinity, rather than by overt expressions of support. The result is just as dangerous to peaceful civilization.
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Depends on howyou define things. Canada is and has been doing good things in Afghanistan.
Actually, we used the BBC's listing, and it is very heartening to hear about the good things are close friends in Canada are about in Afghanistan. Thanks, CDR S.
Very interesting post Vigilis. Keep up the good work.
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