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Molten Eagle's Honorary Naval Historian contest for 2006, can be found at famous Submarine blog here.
The brightest star in the nighttime sky is Sirius. Did you know it has a white dwarf companion called Sirius B? It has often been suggested that the Dogon tribe of Mali knew about the unseen companion star(s) before they were discovered in the 19th century. As usual, this myth has also been debunked. Sirius' White Dwarf Companion Weighed by Hubble spacecraft.
McCain's allies continue their bizarre distractions. Who? Russell Feingold, (lawyer) D-Wis; Arlen Specter, (lawyer) R-Penn; and Lindsey Graham, (lawyer) R-S.C. More than a GOP ticket for 2008?
New face of terrorism in New Zealand: "Santarchy" Santas Go on Rampage in New Zealand City
Wearing ill-fitting Santa costumes, they threw beer bottles and urinated on cars from an Auckland overpass. "They came in, said 'Merry Christmas' and then helped themselves," store owner Changa Manakynda said.
Jane Fonda's protege: Sheehan Leads War Protest in Spain

Our steadfast VP: Cheney Roars Back on Spying, Torture, Iraq Obviously, "when we have a situation where we have communication between someone inside the U.S. and an acknowledged al Qaeda or terrorist source outside the U.S., that that's something we need to know. " Are any left-leaning individuals, who stepped over the line in communicating with al-Qaeda worried?
Well, they should be -Molten Eagle.
Web Sites Let Users Send E-Mail to Future - The e-mail says, "are you wearing women's clothing?" It was sent through a Web site called also adopted the future in its "e-mail time capsule" recently. Messages are slated to arrive in senders' inboxes in up to 20 years. partnered its promotion with Yahoo! and Codefix.
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