Congressional Lottery 6 - Is Your Representative Among the Four Lucky Winners?

The winners of this week's lottery drawing shown above are. Here are their names and a few statistics:
21 Russ Carnahan.......MO-03, Lawyer -Yes; Veteran- No ; Party-Dem
22 Sanford Bishop........GA-02, Lawyer -Yes; Veteran-Yes; Party-Dem
23 Nancy Pelosi..........CA-08, Lawyer - No ; Veteran- No; Party-Dem
If one of the above is your representative, you may want to acquaint him/her with their random selection to opt out of FEHBP and ask them why he/she has not committed to actually representing their constituents by voluntarily subjecting themselves and their families to the terms of HR 3200.
Please feel free to apprise the rest of us, if you ever receive an answer from YOUR elected representative (Most of you will not).
Yet, we are starting to see some results.
This concludes are 6th congressional lottery for 24 members of the U.S. House. Next week, our lottery will randomly select 2 U.S. Senators, in the first of 3 senate lotteries.
Labels: Rus Carnahan Sanford Bishop Nancy Pelosi Bob Eteridge
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