Submarine Mystery of the Week - 9-19-2009

Rather than Questions this week, M.E. will provide only Mystery Answers. Readers must frame the corresponding questions. Hopefully, this infrequent format will challenge some of our very astute readers more satisfactorily (eat your heart out, Galrahn).
.NOTE: Comments have been turned off so late readers have a shot before an expert can publish early and/or accurate results. (In consolation to SonarMan, you may e-mail for early credit, if desired).
.WARNING: Casual guesses are likely to be wrong.
.Answer [approximately] 1):
.1 in 60 African descent
1 in 90 Caucasian descent
1 in 150 Japanese descent
1 in 300 Chinese descent
.1 in 150 Japanese descent
1 in 300 Chinese descent
Question 1)?
.Answer 2): SSN-701
.Question 2)?
.Answer 3): 4th Engineer Battalion and nuclear power school
.Question 3)?
.Questions will be provided next Tuesday.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
Labels: Fortes Fortuna Juvat SSN-701
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