Submarine Swim Calls and Female Crew Incompatible?

..............(Right click to open enlargement in a new window)
Labels: USS Portmouth USS MAINE
Thoughts to excite, alarm or foil paradigms, senses of humor, and imagination although not always in that order. "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool." -Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988) Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics 1965.
Labels: USS Portmouth USS MAINE
Remember this? Four calendar days had elapsed since an Ukrainian news agency initially reported the Russian submarine (#554) Alrosa's SOS (about 8 AM, November 21), from 150 kilometers off the coast of Sukhumi.
"The Alrosa submarine recently suffered an engine fire and almost sank. It is likely to be under repair for the foreseeable future."
Labels: Alrosa fire
Quote of the Week
“The more indictments, the more business you get.”They should be laughing, as taxpayers it is we who will be footing the bills for court costs and extortive awards. Why extortive? See the ME link just below.
Labels: ABA DADT extortion taxpayers
How might a person react if the leader of his/her rogue nation insisted on developing nuclear weapons and hiding them within half-a-day's drive from home?
Labels: Secondary detonation HAARP EMP SGEMP North Korea Iran
Taylor threatened to work against the Navy’s SSBN(X) request unless the AoA is sent to Congress, along with an explanation for how much nuclear deterrent capability the nation needs. source: Apr 26, 2010
Labels: B.C. Naval Base Kitsap Trident subs USS Nebraska (SSBN-739), Oregon Vancouver
UPDATE 4: May 4, 2010- Machinist's Mate Fireman William Mack was given a full military funeral over the weekend, according to the Chattanooga, TN, Times Free Press. .Lt. Cmdr. Dave Benham, a spokesman for the U.S. Pacific Fleet submarine force at Pearl Harbor said yesterday the Navy is waiting on medical reports, including autopsy and toxicology results.
UPDATE 3: April 23, 2010 4:20 PM South Pittsburg Sailor Killed; Family Remembers His Life - (video) Mack was on his second deployment with the nuclear submarine, and was due back in June. His mom says, "He had a big heart and a big soul." His dad adds, "He would do anything for you."
UPDATE 2: William Gerald Mack obituary, Rogers Funeral Home.
UPDATE 1: Potentially deadly fungus spreading in US, Canada - The new strain appears to be unusually deadly, with a mortality rate of about 25 percent among the 21 U.S. cases analyzed, they said. "From 1999 through 2003, the cases were largely restricted to Vancouver Island," the report reads. The new strain is genetically different, the researchers said. "This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people," said Edmond Byrnes of Duke University in North Carolina, who led the study.
A sailor was found dead Monday aboard the ballistic-missile submarine Nebraska at sea, according to a Navy spokeswoman, marking the third death aboard the ship in the last five years. ... The cause is under investigation, said Lt. Kellie Randall, a spokeswoman for Submarine Group 9; she said there was no damage to the ship and there had not been an accident.
Labels: NCIS USS Nebraska (SSBN-739)
While the volcano is releasing both sulfur dioxide and CO2 into the atmosphere, the amounts are minuscule when compared to those released by human activity on a daily basis. It could even be argued that the eruption has been good for the environment: Eyjafjallajoekull has belched out 7,412 tons of CO2, but the airplanes it has grounded would have emitted 206,465 tons.
April 20, 2010 - Experts in earth sciences predict that the Iceland volcano is emitting between 150,000 and 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide per day, according to Agence France-Presse.
Labels: HMS A-1 conning tower sub safe USS Shark USS A-7 (SS-08) Lt. Arnold Marcus
The number of rotten apples creating public relations nightmares for the Navy's submarine service these past 5 years is a very small percentage of our 13,000-man submarine force. Yet, dereliction of duty, desertions, and now a child sex crime, indicate the concept of moral turpitude ("act of baseness, vileness or depravity in the private and social duties which a man owes to his fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and man" [2]) is probably not being adequately identified in submarine volunteers.
Labels: dual water tight hatches
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. (current revision by Louis A. Bowman )
I claim my grievance in the land now ruled by trial lawyers, America, and to the fallacy toward which we strive: Deep pockets, inexhaustible, with entitlements and sops for free. proposed by (answer next Sunday)
Labels: Naval Consolidated Brig NCIS CAIR U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory Sharia Law al-Marri
“And if they are carrying diplomatic pouches, well, we definitely have to make exceptions in certain cases, and this case certainly drives that home.” - Rep. Peter King (R-NY) ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee source
Labels: student Qatar supermax enemy combatant 9-11 Peter King
Labels: WMDs Biden Obama waterboarding Panetta terror attack NSA KOPASSUS CAIR
Silicon is good for you, especially in beer...
"The United States has already gone that way. The scientific reason why women should not go to sea on submarines is about to change. The submarine atmosphere is not deemed to be as dangerous as thought to women carrying an unborn child." source
Labels: optronic females peepholes showers eunuchs Roughhead Mabus Australia UK
Last Friday, we compared Russian submarine crew complements to certain U.S. counterparts. Interestingly, after 145 years of submarining, the ratio of officers to men is the same for the Confederate Hunley (1:7) as for the modern marvel, USS Seawolf (SSN-21).
The submarine will have a crew of 50, suggesting a high degree of automation in the submarine's different systems. The newest U.S. attack sub, the Virginia-class submarine, has a crew of 134 in comparison. If true, this might imply that many of the automated equipment could have been developed from the highly automated project 705 Lira, which is considered as the most automated nuclear attack submarine of all times (the entire half of the boat with reactor and propulsion was unmanned and controlled from the control room). source