Rear Adm. Mohammad Afzal Tahir, deputy CNO: Pakistan Considering Equipping Subs with Nuclear Missiles
Pakistan has at least 40 nuclear warheads, and one of the most sophisticated and feared delivery systems in the world.

The Agosta 90B build project was completed despite a suicide bomb attack that killed 11 of the its French engineers in outside their Karachi hotel in May 2002. The deal had to have been approved by the U.S. government because the sub contains U.S. parts.
Nominal specifications for the Agosta 90Bs indicate they can fire Exocet missiles and torpedoes.
Rear Adm. Mohammad Afzal Tahir, the deputy chief of naval staff for operations, announced that the Pakistan navy was considering equipping its submarines with nuclear missiles. He suggested the Agosta 90B submarine, with its air independent propulsion system, can deliver nuclear weapons.
The major question becomes Could al-Qaida take over Pakistan? Terrorists would inherit nuclear arsenal, delivery system
Is only one man preventing bin Laden or his allies from getting their hands on a large nuclear arsenal and the means to deliver it anywhere in the world? The G2 Bulletin reports Pervez Musharraf, president of Pakistan may be the man. Were open elections held today in Pakistan, and bin Laden or his protege allowed to compete, there is little doubt the populace would be with such a leader, according to G2 Bulletin sources.
Now that is friggin' scary.
Pakistan's military and intelligence services are heavily infiltrated by AQ sympathizers. The idea of them having ballistic missile subs scares the hell out of me. That transforms them from a regional threat to a global one. I guess there'll be no shortage of work for our fast-attacks and ASW forces in the forseeable future.
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