Crop Cows - No Manure

What are your thoughts about crop circles? They hold little fascination for some people, including me. Although such alleged mysteries embody sophomoric pleasures of tomfoolery and a popular element of wishful thinking - the desire not to be alone in the universe - most submariners do not mind considerable solitude, occasionally, although some nukes believe in global warming (oooh!).
Here is a question for you believers in spontaneous, alien crop circles. Those mysterious (computer-generated) patterns appear during hours of darkness (less than 12 per day in most lattitudes).:
Painting, (allowing for drying and adding multiple colors), covering, transporting and positioning these plastic cows takes at least that long. If humans admittedly do crop cows, why is it so hard to believe humans do the crop circles?
Sure, some of them are done by pranksters. But as Linda Moulton Howe has shown in Glimpses of Other Realities, pranksters cannot do some of the things that have been found in crop circles.
Higher levels of background radiation.
Inter-weaving of crop stalks.
Cellular changes only explainable by sudden bursts of intense heat.
Something strange is going on.
Sure, some of them are done by pranksters. But as Linda Moulton Howe has shown in Glimpses of Other Realities, pranksters cannot do some of the things that have been found in crop circles.
Higher levels of background radiation.
Inter-weaving of crop stalks.
Cellular changes only explainable by sudden bursts of intense heat.
Something strange is going on.
Gary, I'm always open-minded to acceptance of new facts with care.
Radiation: Were you aware that background radiation varies with geography? Example: It might be higher in part of your home than outside (radon, not alien abduction). In Afica there are radioactive remnants of an eons-old nuclear reactor. Natural or prior civilization? I used to take measurements in a manufacturing plant - no two areas were the same, even though radioactive parts were restricted to certain areas.
Inter-woven crop stalks: Basket weaving is still taught, even in today's U.S. Why can't pranksters twist a bunch together?
Cellular changes only explainable by sudden bursts of heat: propane burners, for instance?
By the way, I thoroughly enjoyed visiting your blog site and will be back.
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