Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Higher on the Learning Curve?

---------------------- Then -----------------------
While investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) arrived on scene the following day, much initial speculation centered on a terrorist attack,[2][3] and consequently the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) initiated a parallel investigation into the crash. On November 18, 1997, the FBI announced that no evidence had been found of a criminal act, [4] and the NTSB assumed sole control on the investigation.

Search and recovery operations were conducted by federal, state, and local agencies, as well as their contractors.[13] The first priority of the early search and recovery efforts was the recovery of the victims; wreckage recovery was the second priority.[8] Remote-operated vehicles (ROV), side-scan sonar, and laser line-scanning equipment were used to search for and investigate underwater debris fields.[13] Victims and wreckage were recovered by Scuba divers and ROVs.

The NTSB investigation ended with the adoption of their final report on August 23, 2000. In it they concluded that the probable cause of the accident was "an explosion of the center wing fuel tank (CWT), resulting from ignition of the flammable fuel/air mixture in the tank. The source of ignition energy for the explosion could not be determined with certainty, but, of the sources evaluated by the investigation, the most likely was a short circuit outside of the CWT that allowed excessive voltage to enter it through electrical wiring associated with the fuel quantity indication system."[1]

The NTSB reviewed 736 witness accounts; 258 accounts reported a streak of light in the sky..."

Remaining TWA-800 Doubts-
Alternative theories persist as to the cause of the TWA-800 disaster, most of which indicate evidence pointing to an external missile/laser strike as a terrorist act, or unintentional act. [5][6][7]

The government smeared the reputations of some professionals in disagreement with official findings: former White House Press Secretary Pierre Salinger (vice chairman NTSB quoted as saying "He was an idiot, he didn't know what he was talking about, and he was totally irresponsible."[20]); official TWA investigation participant and chief 747 pilot Robert Terrell Stacey (federal prosecutors issued arrest warrant for his "stealing" items he sought to use in exposing an NTSB coverup); retired Naval officer William Donaldson (died in 2001); the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) The IAMAW strongly criticized the FBI's undocumented removal of wreckage from the hangar where it was stored.[35]

----- Better Government Handling for I-35 W Bridge Collapse ------
While investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) arrived on scene the following day, much initial speculation centered on a terrorist attack, and consequently the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S. Navy initiated a recovery operation. On (tbd; date goes here) the FBI announced that no evidence had been found of a criminal act and the NTSB resumed its structural failure investigation.

Search and recovery operations were conducted by federal, state, and local agencies, as well as their contractors. The first priority of the early search and recovery efforts was the recovery of the victims; wreckage recovery was the second priority. Remote-operated vehicles (ROV), side-scan sonar, and laser line-scanning equipment were used to search for and investigate underwater debris fields. Victims and wreckage were recovered by Scuba divers and ROVs.

The NTSB investigation ended with the adoption of their final report on (tbd; date goes here). In it they concluded that the probable cause of the accident was (metal fatigue caused primarily by a combination of corrosive road salts, weather-related expansions and contractions in welded joints, inadequate bridge inspection criteria, vibrations from jack-hammering and the weight of heavy equipment . The cause could not be determined with certainty, but, of those evaluated by the investigation, incomplete inspection criteria is considered the most likely.

Alternative theories have not been endorsed by any credible authority or expert. A security camera video just happened to record the collapsing bridge event in its 4-second entirety.

Questions to ponder: If the FBI discovers the bodies 2 Islamo-suicide terrorists or evidence of bridge sabotage, would the public be informed? Has a group already claimed credit for the I-35W carnage (which occurred on Minnesota's most heavily traveled bridge at the height of rush hour)? Who stands to gain most from blackmailing the U.S. with periodic acts of terrorism?


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