Aussie Cadmium Alarm Has U.S. Connection?

According to ABC News (the Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Safety fears in toxic submarine scare The Federal Government says the safety of Australia's submariners is the top priority in dealing with a contamination scare involving Australia's submarine fleet.
The Navy says cadmium has always been used in Collins Class submarine electrical components to minimise corrosion.
But, M.E. also found this: Urgent check for toxic chemical on navy subs (The Australian)
THE navy's Collins-Class submarines have been ordered to undergo urgent checks for the toxic chemical cadmium. ... The toxic scare follows the fitting last year of additional components under the Replacement Combat System Upgrade, which included standard US Navy fittings later found to include cadmium. [color emphasis added]
What makes the situation potentially more dangerous is the potential presence of female crew of child-bearing years aboard Collins class subs.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
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