What Missed Clues Could Mean for Submariners

As we know, our lawyerly SecNav has recently authorized female crew members on submarines. Female crew are not expected to add significantly to the stresses of submarine COs, even as the very presence of female officers further trifles with the focus of male submariners in an environment already frought with hazards, lack of sleep, long periods of isolation, absence of refreshing sunlight, inability to call home, and few of the distractions non-submariners rely upon for occasional entertainment.
Introduction of females makes a very interesting, but potentially ill-conceived social experiment. One thing appears certain: submariners will be having more female offspring due to recent drenching of the submarine smoking lamp. We will have to wait to see, however, what actually happens to submariners' divorce rates, and prescriptions for blue pills:
In 1970, a study completed with the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory in Groton, Connecticut, concluded that U.S. Navy personnel serving aboard nuclear-powered submarines tended to have a higher ratio of female offspring compared with the general U.S. population. The study inadvertently demonstrated that nuclear submarine crews, unlike surface vessel crews, do not have quite so much in common with the general U.S. population. Submariners who smoked were a noteworthy exception to the study's overall results, however.
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Fired in 2010
(Cases of inappropriate CO social conduct and/or relationships presented in bold print)
• Capt. John Titus, Jan. 8, from Naval Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga., for failing to adequately discipline a junior officer accused of inappropriate conduct, the Navy Times reported. • Capt. Holly Graf, Jan. 13, from the Yokosuka, Japan-based cruiser Cowpens after an inspector general’s investigation said she mistreated and humiliated her crew.
• Capt. Glen Little, from Naval Weapons Station Charleston, S.C., after he was arrested Jan. 26 on a charge of solicitation of prostitution.
• Cmdr. Scott Merritt, Feb. 12, from Naval Support Activity North Potomac, Md., because of fraternization, the Navy Times reported.
• Cmdr. Timothy Weber, Feb. 17, from the Norfolk, Va.-based destroyer Truxtun for having an inappropriate relationship with a female officer in his command, according to news reports.
• Capt. William Reavey, Feb. 26, from Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., for “inappropriate conduct,” according to news reports.
• Cmdr. Jeff Cima, March 15, from the Pearl Harbor , Hawaii-based attack submarine Chicago for drunkenness and conduct unbecoming an officer during a college campus visit, CNN said.
• Cmdr. Neil Funtanilla, May 18, from the Mayport, Fla.-based The Sullivans because his destroyer hit a buoy off Bahrain.
• Cmdr. Herman Pfaeffle, June 22, from the Mayport, Fla.-based frigate John L . Hall after his ship hit a pier, according to Stars and Stripes.
• Capt. William Kiestler, June 30, commanding officer of Norfolk Naval Shipyard, for a “series of events over the past few months that affect the management and execution of work” at the shipyard, the Navy said.
• Cmdr. Fred Wilhelm, Aug. 12, from the Virginia-based dock landing ship Gunston Hall, after charges were filed against him for sexual harassment, maltreatment of a subordinate, simple assault, conduct unbecoming an officer, drunk and disorderly conduct and use of indecent language – all related to the ship’s recently completed deployment, the Navy Times reported.
• Capt. David Schnell, Aug. 15, from the San Diego-based amphibious ship Peleliu, for being “unduly familiar” with the crew.
• Cmdr. Mary Ann Giese, Aug. 21, from the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station in Bahrain, because of allegations that she had been involved in “inappropriate relationships” with other Navy personnel.
Submarines are always silent and strange.
Labels: smoking female offspring